Picturing Theology
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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y
L Leadership
Festivals, Jewish, 51, 268, 282, 307 Freedom
in Christ, 15, 189, 196, 310–311, 376, 460, 467f in the Holy Spirit, 460, 466f, 479, 498f, 508, 537 Wholeness, and Justice, 90–119, 241, 247, 462ff, 477, 540ff
Development, 140, 302, 383, 484 Function, Roles, Context, 45, 52, 68, 263, 350f, 391–392, 420–423 as Representation, 45, 137, 196, 277, 358, 370, 479, 513 Lord’s Supper, 43, 49, 264, 333, 401, 466–467, 510 M Mary, The Virgin, 4, 300–301, 334, 457, 504 Maturity, Spiritual, 45, 106, 193, 313, 347, 377, 499, 544 Melchizedek, 194, 266, 276, 297, 307, 412 Messiah Biblical Witness Concerning, 3, 53, 265–276, 305–306, 329, 330, 411–415, 511–512 God’s King, 141–142, 173, 217, 261, 343, 457, 490, 539–540 Jewish Expectation, 41, 144, 299, 334 Prophecies Concerning, 18, 271–276, 307, 334, 345–346, 411–415 Resurrection of, 7, 18, 49–50, 217, 345, 457, 540 Mission of Christ, 49–50, 309, 539–540 Church Planting, 2, 47–48, 184–190, 377–379, 426–428 Global, 57–62, 86–89, 251ff, 291–292, 318–321, 336–339, 526–527 in Scripture, 329, 429–435, 436–439, 447–451 Theology, 43, 90–119, 170–175, 462–476, 531–544 Moses Law of, 14, 40, 92, 226, 307, 309, 424, 431 Church Planting, 1–2, 63, 318ff, 426–435 Insider, 57–62, 86–89, 291–292, 318ff, 526–527 Prayer, Revival, and Reform, 90, 175, 240–257, 501ff Multiplication of Disciples and Churches, 1–2, 78, 80, 137, 189, 319, 426–435 Muslim ( see Islam) N Narrative, Interpretation of, 37–39, 43, 55, 180–183, 213, 402 ( see also Story) Natural Theology, 158–159, 452–454 New Testament Introduction and Background, 44, 122, 144–145, 299, 329, 353–354 Topical Passage Lists, 121, 205–207, 218–229, 270–276, 326, 382, 391–392 Nicene Creed, 43, 172, 248, 287, 300–301, 396–397, 401, 479, 504, 523–524 The Person, 230, 280, 309, 331, 372 Prophet like, 274, 306, 331, 411, 457 The Second, 306, 412, 507 Movements
G Gifts, Spiritual, 8–13, 186f, 205–207, 391–392, 395, 436–451 Gospels, The Four, 50, 53, 144–145, 342
H Holy Spirit, The
Baptism of, 71, 73, 123–126, 387, 429 Gifts of the, 8–13, 186f, 205–207, 391–392, 395, 436–451 Guidance of, 74, 210ff, 359–365, 498 Indwelling of, 461, 465, 470, 481f, 494 Presense and Power of, 43, 69–73, 170, 241ff, 255f, 479, 536 and Scripture, 42, 74, 182, 331, 334, 346, 478 Third Person of the Trinity, 128–129, 162–169, 308–309, 376, 396–397, 504
I Image
of Christ, 31, 468 of God, 25, 100, 108, 308, 369, 454 Imagery, 23, 212, 327, 362, 371, 427, 521, 532 Inspiration (see Scripture) Islam (Muslim), 57–62, 336, 339, 526–527
J Jesus ( see Christ) Justice Kingdom (Shalom), 217, 241, 247, 413ff, 462ff, 490, 540 Pursuing, 2, 43, 76f, 90–119, 249ff, 376, 427, 472ff
K Kingdom of God, The
Advancing, 1–2, 240–257, 426–435 Christian Life in, 121, 137, 189, 261, 310–311, 332, 481, 531–544 The Church and, 174, 189, 293–294, 313, 376, 401, 458–477, 479, 540–541 Jesus, the Presence of, 45, 141–142, 217, 273f, 514, 539–540 Mission and, 91–93, 174, 315, 531–533, 542–544 Scriptural Witness to, 172, 216, 218–238, 307, 412ff, 457, 488–495, 533–538 Shalom, Wholeness and Justice, 90–119, 197–202, 477 ( see also Freedom) Victory of, 43, 308–309, 487–488, 541–542
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