Picturing Theology
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P i c t u r i n g T h e o l o g y
O Oikos, 304, 438 Old Testament Christ as the Center and Theme, 3, 203, 265–278, 305–307, 383, 411–415, 514 How to Study, 3, 67, 331, 334, 507–512 Kingdom of God in, 230–238, 487–495 Topical Passage Lists, 230–238, 269, 295–298, 305–306, 411–415 P Partnership, 2, 94f, 106, 315, 369, 428–435 Pastor Function, Calling of, 47–48, 78, 80, 99, 186f, 378–379, 427 Role, Gift of, 347–348, 364, 368, 392, 422, 439–441 Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), 204, 219, 224, 309, 411, 500 Paul, The Apostle Life, 7, 280, 410 Ministry, 86f, 188, 315–317, 431ff Writings, 329, 373, 405, 436–451, 490, 499f, 512f Prayer, 110, 240–258, 280, 332f, 466, 471 Prophecy Biblical Genre of, 145, 209, 212, 330, 331, 334 Gift of, 11ff, 367, 392, 443–447 Messianic, 18, 271–276, 307, 334, 345–346, 411–415
and the People of God, 350, 371–375, 395, 401, 458–461, 542–544 Sanctification, 69–73, 123–126, 385–390, 459, 468, 494f Satan, 41, 43, 150, 217, 308, 457, 462, 495, 540–542 Scripture Authority of, 40ff, 67, 144, 401, 445 Canon of, 145, 170, 172 Christ the Center of, 3, 24–34, 194, 204, 208, 307, 341, 457 Criticism of, 35–36, 122, 507 Inspiration of, 40–42, 340, 478 Studying, 3, 16–17, 19–22, 146, 208–216, 486, 519–520 Summary Outlines of, 141–142, 308–309, 416–419, 533–538 Translation of, 36, 54, 122, 212–213, 506 Servanthood, 121, 179, 263, 349, 420, 475, 530 Sin Christ’s Victory Over, 43, 173–174, 217, 266f, 309, 457, 535–536 Effect on the World, 138, 159, 294, 308 God’s Redemption, 128, 149, 217, 308–309, 459, 480–483 Meaning of, 150–153 and Salvation, 69–73, 385–388, 459 Sovereignty of God, 128, 156–161, 308, 376, 456, 488f, 537f Spiritual Growth, 143, 193, 393–394 Story of God in the Bible, 172, 191–192, 308–309, 400, 533–537 as Cosmic Drama, 252, 308–309, 327, 343, 537–538 in Worship, 282, 285, 327, 401, 406–407, 466, 505 Story, Interpretation of, 37–39, 55, 180–183, 209, 327, 402 ( see also Narrative) Substitution Christ as, 270, 306 Principle of, Literary, 136, 409 Ungodly False, 78, 80, 151, 244, 302, 323, 405 Suffering of Christ, 49, 178, 345–346, 412f, 457 of Christians and the Church, 92, 376, 410, 473–474, 482 T Tabernacle, The, 14, 265, 307, 424, 507–508, 511 Tabernacles, Festival of, 268 ( see also Festivals, Jewish) Team, 5, 46ff, 66, 120, 184ff, 283ff, 313, 315–317 Tools for Bible Study, 16–17, 212–215, 519–520 Tradition Cultural, 48, 61, 75–77, 88, 292, 337 Differing Christian, 11–13, 123–126, 175, 404ff, 497–504 The Great, 170–175, 501–503
R Race
Culture and, 15, 56, 64, 75–77, 112, 425, 472 A New Human, 28, 536, 538
Jesus of the Father, 26, 266, 357, 401 Leadership as, 45, 127, 137, 196, 277, 358, 370, 479, 513 Ressurection, 7, 18, 49–50, 217, 345, 457, 540 Revelation Christ as the Final and Full, 24–34, 172, 289, 331, 539f General, 156–161, 453–454 Ongoing, 11–13, 247, 391, 443–447 Special, 138, 157ff, 282, 323, 331, 391, 501 Rule of Faith, 163, 173, 401, 479
S Sacrifice
Translations, Bible, 36, 54, 122, 212–213, 506 Trinity, The Holy, 128, 162–169, 170, 172fn6, 503 Typology (also Types), 28, 265–268, 307, 507–512
Christ as a, 30, 264, 266–267, 276, 457, 468 Jewish, 266–267, 269, 276, 507ff Prayer and Worship as a, 121, 151f, 285, 414, 465f
U Urban ( see Cities)
Blessings of, 480–483 In Christ Alone, 27ff, 59, 159f, 341, 401 History, 57, 217, 308–309, 487–491, 538
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