Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


TUMI Policy on Project Process Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

1. Because we perceive projects to be concrete expressions of our faith and vision , we should strive to keep them consistent with our fiscal year goals, our mission statement and objectives, and in sync with our current vision as a staff and as a national organization. 2. Each project should be clearly defined , with written objectives and a clear, working strategy. The project manager should be determined either by domain or assignment, with clear specifications written for the project, with a general schedule developed, and a budget submitted. The team members should be listed, as well as a work breakdown structure begun (i.e., a list of all the central tasks and action plans for each, in order, with dates and times). 3. The project manager is authorized to act within the bounds of the responsibility specified in the project. S/he is in charge of the entire operation of the project, its schedule, its organization, its process, and its results. Once a project is delegated, the project manager can run it as they see fit, given the boundaries agreed upon at the beginning of its delegation. 4. Record and track everything on paper, quantifying all elements of the project procedure (i.e., dates, times, costs, specifications, and any criteria related to the project). The Administrator manages the TUMI project portfolio, who is free to set the order, priority, and due dates of the projects agreed upon with the Director. The project portfolio should be formally reviewed by the Director and Administrator once each week, using the project sheets, which are updated for date and time for ready reference. 5. Clearly and regularly communicate together over the progress and shape of the projects, and among team members on the project. Ensure that all main tasks, start and end dates, budgets, and specifications are clear. 6. Whenever possible, each project team should be formally announced (at least to its members) and formally disbanded . The project manager and the team should evaluate the project and write a brief, dated summary of what worked, and what did not, in the process.

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