Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


b. Qualifications . All members of the Elders Council are considered ruling elders according to the New Testament’s standards, and therefore must meet the character requirements of 1 Timothy 3.1-7, Titus 1.5-11, and 1 Peter 5.1-4. While they need not be licensed to the gospel ministry, they must nevertheless demonstrate the same level of maturity, integrity, and character as the pastors. Any potential Council member must be fulfilling all the responsibilities of church membership. c. Composition . The Council shall consist of no less than four nor more than fifteen members, and always more than those who currently make up the Pastoral team. All of the officers shall be selected from the Council’s members; the senior and associate pastors shall be ex-officio members of the Council, with voting privileges. The specific number of positions to be filled each year shall be determined by the existing Council so that a majority of the Council shall be elected members. d. Term . Each elected member of the Council shall serve for three years. At least one year must elapse before serving another term. The initial terms of the Council members will initially be staggered in order to ensure proper and smooth transitions of standing Council. e. Selection . The existing Council shall present a slate of the qualified persons willing to serve in this capacity for congregational approval at the annual meeting. A two-thirds majority of members present and voting shall confirm Council members. f. Removal . A Council member may resign by giving written notice. Failure to perform required duties shall be treated as a resignation; the Council may request a formal resignation or recommend that the church remove the person as a Council member. If a written petition requesting a Council member’s resignation, signed by at least 30% of the membership, is submitted to one of the members of the Elders Council, then the Council must review the request and make a recommendation to the congregation at a special business meeting. A simple majority of the church members present and voting shall dismiss a Council member. g. Quorum . A quorum for all Elder Council meetings shall consist of fifty-percent of the total membership of the Council. Unless specified otherwise, a simple majority of Council members present and voting shall decide any matter.

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