Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


3. Deacons and Deaconesses. The Deacons and Deaconesses work closely with the Pastoral Team and Elders Council in order to minister to the members of Anyname Fellowship. Their primary role is to offer aid and support to its members by caring practically for the needs of the body. a. Duties . As an office closely associated with the Pastoral Team and the Elders Council, the deacons and deaconesses aid the pastors of the church by building up the body through practical Christian care-giving to its members. On behalf of the body they should visit the sick and infirmed, caring for those who are hurting and needy, minister to the concrete needs of the members, especially widows and orphans, and be available to help further the aims and purposes of AF. b. Qualifications . The deacons and deaconesses must be members in good standing of AF, mature in Christ, and of outstanding reputation as outlined in 1 Timothy 3.8-13. c. Composition . The Deacons and Deaconesses shall be selected from the congregation-at-large, placed in nomination by the Elders Council; deacons are not members of the Council, but, like any other member of AF, may participate in all votes of the congregation. The specific number of positions to be filled each year shall be determined by the Council in order to ensure the needs of the body are properly attended to. d. Term . Each elected deacon or deaconess shall serve for two years. At least one year must elapse before serving another term. The initial terms of the deacons will be staggered in order to ensure proper and smooth transitions of deacons/deaconesses. e. Selection . The Elders Council shall present a slate of the qualified persons willing to serve in this capacity for congrega tional approval at the annual meeting. A two-thirds majority of members present and voting shall confirm deacons and deaconesses. f. Removal . A deacon or deaconess may resign by giving at least thirty days written notice. Failure to perform required duties shall be treated as a resignation; the Council may request a formal resignation or recommend that the church remove the person as a deacon. If a written petition requesting a deacon’s resignation, signed by at least 30% of the membership, is submitted to one of the members of the Council, then the

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