Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


Sample Partnership Agreement East San Diego Assembly of God and World Impact

Cross-Cultural Church Planting Vision We commit to work together to advance the Kingdom of God among the urban poor by planting a cross-cultural, indigenously led, reproducing church in a low-income community. Common Values • We believe that ministering to the poor and oppressed is a mandate from God for all his people (Matt. 25.31-46). • We believe that all believers are commanded to aggressively pursue the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matt. 28.18-20). • We believe that it is God’s design for every Christian to be an active member of a healthy Bible-believing church (1 Cor. 12.14-20; Rom. 12.4-8; Eph. 4.16). • We believe that God’s Kingdom on this earth is manifested through the Church and that God is working through all of history to draw a people to himself from every tribe and nation for his pleasure and glory (Eph. 3.10; Matt. 25.18-20; Rev. 7.9-10). • We believe multi-culturalism is an integral part of the body of Christ and that no ethnic group nor socio-economic group is more or less acceptable to God than the others (Gal. 3.26-29). • We believe that God intends for his people to have unity with one another and that through Christ, racial, cultural and socio economic barriers are abolished (John 17.20-21; Eph. 2.14-18). • We believe that prayer and dependence upon the power of the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary for doing the work of God in this world (Acts 1.8; Eph. 6.10-12; James 5.16; Eph. 6.18-20). Commitments • East San Diego Assembly of God (ESDAOG) is committed to reestablishing itself within the community of Cherokee Point and raising up indigenous leadership from within this community ESDAOG will provide three pastors to lead the English, Hispanic, and Vietnamese congregations. • World Impact will assign three to four team members to assist the church plant team through the church-planting process. • World Impact will make a two-year commitment to provide training and ongoing assistance for the church plant team for

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