Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


Sample Partnership Agreement International Church of the Foursquare Gospel and World Impact

Cross-Cultural Church Planting Vision We commit to work together to advance the Kingdom of God among the urban poor by cross-culturally planting indigenously led, reproducing Foursquare churches in urban communities. Common Values • We are in agreement with the affirmations of faith of each ministry. • We believe that ministering to the poor and oppressed is a mandate from God for all his people (Matt. 25.31-46). • We believe that all believers are commanded to aggressively pursue the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matt. 28.18-20). • We believe that it is God’s design for every Christian to be an active member of a healthy Bible-believing church (1 Cor. 12.14-20; Rom. 12.4-8; Eph. 4.16). • We believe that God’s Kingdom on this earth is manifested through the Church and that God is working through all of history to draw a people to himself from every tribe and nation for his pleasure and glory (Eph. 3.10; Matt. 25.18-20; Rev. 7.9-10). • We believe multi-culturalism is an integral part of the body of Christ and that no ethnic group nor socio-economic group is more or less acceptable to God than the others (Gal. 3.26-29). • We believe that God intends for his people to have unity with one another and that through Christ, racial, cultural and socio economic barriers are abolished (John 17.20-21; Eph. 2.14-18). • We believe that prayer and dependence upon the power of the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary for doing the work of God in this world (Act 1.8; Eph. 6.10-12; James 5.16; Eph. 6.18-20). Commitments • The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (ICFG) has commissioned and will financially support members of its denomination to serve as members of World Impact’s staff to cross-culturally plant indigenously led Foursquare churches among the urban poor.

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