Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


As many Support Team Members and Volunteers as possible will be added from the cooperating Independent Christian Churches in conjunction with the team’s overall church plant strategy. By and large, this will be based upon an increasing need to offer more services as the church begins to grow and mature.

B. Accountability

World Impact will provide primary oversight, accountability and authority for the day-to-day operations of the entire church plant team. The Team Leader will be directly responsible to World Impact’s Multiple Team Leader and/or City Director. In addition, the Independent Christian Churches shall provide an active supportive role in developing and implementing our mutual church planting strategy. Both partners will define this relationship as a partnership that includes on-going cooperation and communication with periodic written and oral reports, ministry reviews and opportunities. World Impact will put forward written qualification and competencies required for

team members, and maintain a written application and personnel file on all Core and Support Team Members.

A summary of ministry responsibilities of all team members shall be developed for lines of authority, clarity, and understanding of the ministry’s programs and goals. World Impact will provide church plant training to all participants involved in this church plant ministry.

C. Our Strategy

The Core Team, once assembled, will develop our church planting strategy for NICHE. This strategy will be available for review by the participating/cooperating churches.

III. Denominational Affiliation

It is understood and agreed that this church plant is distinctively modeled after the Independent Christian Churches in the Wichita area. Legal incorporation into membership as a congregation through chartering will be made at such a time as the church has clearly identified church leaders such as a pastor and/or elders. This will

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