Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


V. Finances

Full-time World Impact team members shall continue to raise their own salary support according to present World Impact financial policies. Additional salary support may be sought from the Independent Christian Churches for all full-time core team members. Any monies allocated are to be distributed to the team in a manner determined by World Impact’s Area Director and according to World Impact Financial policies. A ministry budget is to be submitted annually by (______) to the Independent Christian Churches, developed by the Core Team Members, with a specific view towards lessening levels of financial dependence upon the participating churches. This budget will be approved after discussion and negotiation with participating/ cooperating churches. All finances are to be processed through World Impact, Inc., during this partnership. The Church Plant Team (NICHE) has the authority to establish an independent bank account in the name of the church plant. Income will only come through the collection of tithes and offerings from those who participate in the Planeview church plant and all money given will be used to support the church plant. This bank account will initially receive oversight from church plant team members and later be transferred to oversight by indigenous church leaders. The participating/cooperating Independent Christian Churches have the right to see financial reports on the Planeview ministry at any time through a request from World Impact’s Wichita office. The Core Team shall accurately communicate any financial needs, beyond the general budget, to the Independent Christian Churches subsequent to discussions of the Core Team and approved by the Team Leader and Multiple Team Leader. Suggested areas of financial support may include, but are not limited to the following: Helping the Core Team attend World Impact’s Church Plant School in Los Angeles, California; providing perishable supplies such as paper, pencils, Styrofoam products, snacks, drinks, etc; using Independent Christian Church resources, such as copying, printing, development of computer graphics, etc; using facilities on a pre-scheduled, periodic basis, etc. Funds may also be raised to purchase a home or Bible club structure, and/or to

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