Planting Churches Among the City's Poor - Volume 2


remodel the structure, as needed, for the World Impact Planeview Ministry. World Impact may also ask for assistance in the eventual search for a building and pastor.

VI. Involvement Opportunities

World Impact will ask the adults, youth and children of the Independent Christian Churches to view Planeview as a Home mission field. This will allow them the privilege of community involvement in a variety of ways including, but not limited to, helping with summer camps, VBS, tutoring, sports programs, carnivals and outreach opportunities, door to door visitation, work projects on ministry homes, work projects on community homes, etc. Members of the congregations (teens and adults) of the participating/ cooperating churches will be encouraged within their own churches, to have the opportunity to serve the Urban Church Plant in Planeview through their participation in Bible Clubs and adult fellowship activities. There may be opportunities to teach: Computer Skills, English as a Second Language, Financial Budget Planning, Better Employment Opportunities, Citizenship Classes, etc. The emerging church shall have the opportunity to choose its own leaders and establish its own leadership structures. They shall establish their own by-laws and constitution with the counsel and full support of the Independent Christian Church leadership. The emerging church shall have the opportunity to establish its own program and shall not be required to use outside volunteers unless it is deemed strategically appropriate by the emerging church and the church planting team. The plan will be to disciple members, and create indigenous leadership within the church. The emerging church shall have the opportunity to manage its own finances and make its own financial decisions in regards to money collected through tithes and offerings. The emerging church shall keep an accurate list of all equipment/supplies, etc., purchased with these monies and to be kept with the church as it moves into independence from World Impact, Inc., and the Independent Christian Churches. VII. Indigenous Church Planting Principles

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