Planting Churches among the City's Poor - Volume 1


Ideas about Neighborhood Evangelism Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

These are just ideas – they are just to provoke your thinking and discussion together. Happy brainstorming!

1. Map out an area or neighborhood you would like to begin your outreach. Set the boundaries. 2. Engage in a prayer walk through the community, praying on behalf of the community. 3. Create a brochure about your church that could be used as an opener in conversation with people on why you are making the visit. 4. Recruit members from your church to make a commitment to (X) number of weeks of door-to-door evangelism, and climax the visits by inviting interested people to a church open house or community picnic. 5. Create a ledger of responses, or survey that can be used at the various homes and households you visit. Keep careful record of openness and follow-up all interested parties. 6. Gather list of households and visit them. 7. Make special return visits to those who are interested with other members of the body, or invite them to a special event that allows us to continue contact with them. 8. Buy simple, appropriate tracts that could be left with each family that you visit that would tell of the gospel and/or your church family. 9. Host something for those interested in local park area (church open house). 10. Pray faithfully in the cells for all families who are interested, and follow up interested parties regularly.

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