Redemptive Poverty Work Flier
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A N N O U N C I N G A N E W C O U R S E . . .
For those of us who serve in neighborhoods that suffer historically through a lack of resources and care, we desperately need to see our work through the perspective of Christ. Is it possible to serve in communities of poverty without treating them negatively, simply as objects of our concern, with a paternalistic attitude? Can we learn how to treat the poor with dignity and respect, like those createdbyGod, filledwithpotential andgifting? We are pleased to announce our new course, Redemptive Poverty Work ( RPW ), which will be available in September 2021. Dr. Alvin Sanders, President and CEO of World Impact, teaches this groundbreaking course that reveals the attitudes, perspectives, and commitments needed to honor God and the needy in every facet of ministry, from start to finish. More thanmerely a workshop or seminar theme or even an educational program, Redemptive Poverty Work represents a biblical mindset to be understood and embraced. We can learn this mindset and set goals that affirm the dignity of those cared for and empower them with self-respect. Such respect can lead to transformation in their personal, family, and community lives.
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You may add this course to our Cornerstone Curriculum modules and obtain our newly designed CornerstoneCurriculumCertificate ! • There will be Redemptive Poverty Work Certification training opportunities throughout the year.
• The Redemptive Poverty Work Course requires a Certified Trainer tohost the course. • Evangel Deans or Site Coordinators of church-based seminaries must certify their representatives before hosting RPW courses through their ChurchPlant Schools orTUMI satellites. • After completing the Redemptive Poverty Work Course , you become an official Trainer for our course, receiving our Redemptive Poverty Work Certificate and our Facilitator Guidebook. Wemade this vital course a prerequisite alongside our Cornerstone courses because we are convinced that it is essential training for Gospel workers in underserved neighborhoods. Redemptive Poverty Work training can show you and your workers how to care for others in their time of need, as well as help themdiscover God’s purpose and will for their lives. Those who suffer can be empowered to overcome the debilitating effects of poverty to become vessels of love and service toothers. • Redemptive Poverty Work Course is a prerequisite to qualify for our Cornerstone Certificate and can be taken either before or after theCornerstone courses havebeen completed. Let ’s train a new generation of the poor to transform their neighborhoods through the Gospel! Come, partner with us to equip your Church Planters in Redemptive Poverty Work and plant healthy churches in communities of poverty around the country andworld!
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