Redemptive Poverty Work Mentor’s Guide

A P P E N D I X / 4 5

A P P E N D I X 2 Redemptive Poverty Work Course Survey

We greatly value your input and are here to serve you! Please answer the following Questions to give feedback on the training you received and who you are. The better we understand who you are and what you need, the better we can craft our resources and programs for your benefit.

1. Church, Ministry Network, or Organization What is the name of the organization that hosted this course?

2. How likely are you to recommend this course to a close peer or colleague? Please select 1-5

5 = Definitely would recommend 4 = Probably would recommend 3 = Might recommend 2 = Probably would not recommend 1 = Would not recommend

Please answer questions 3, 4, and 5 based on the following rating scale: 5 = Exceeded my expectations 4 = Slightly above my expectations 3 = Met my expectations

2 = Slightly below my expectations 1 = Did not meet my expectations

3. How would you rate the content in the course you just completed? (rate on scale of 1-5) _______ Would you like to comment on your “course content” rating?

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