Redemptive Poverty Work Mentor’s Guide

4 6 / R E D E M P T I V E P O V E R T Y W O R K S T U D E N T W O R K B O O K

4. How would you rate your instructor (rate on scale of 1-5)? _____ Would you like to comment on your instructor’s rating?

5. Overall, did the course meet your expectations (rate on scale of 1-5)? _____ Would you like to comment on your “course expectations” rating?

6. How might we improve this learning experience?

7. Name of the Instructor for this course: (Please DO NOT enter your name here.) ____________________ ____________________ First Name Last Name

Email address of your instructor: _____________________________

The instructor will receive a report on their ratings anonymously. All names and detailed information will not be shared with them.

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