Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

Appendix 1: The Life of Antony


no fellowship with the schismatics, nor any dealings at all with the heretical Arians.* For you know how I shunned them on account of their hostility to Christ, and the strange doctrines of their heresy. Therefore, be the more earnest always to be followers first of God and then of the saints, that after death they also may receive you as well-known friends into the eternal dwelling (Heb 12:1–3). Ponder over these things and think of them, and if you have any care for me and are mindful of me as of a father, do not let anyone take my body into Egypt, lest they place me in the houses, for to avoid this I entered into the mountain and came here. Moreover, you know how I always rebuked those who had this custom and exhorted them to cease from it. Bury my body, therefore, and hide it underground yourselves, and let my words be observed by you that no one may know the place but you alone. For at the resurrection of the dead I shall receive my incorruptible body from the Savior. And divide my garments. To Athanasius the bishop give one sheepskin and the garment on which I am laid, that he himself gave me new, but which has grown old with me. To Serapion the bishop 14 give the other sheepskin, and keep the hair garment yourselves. For the rest, farewell my children, for Antony is departing, and is with you no more.” §92 – Antony’s Death Having said this, when they had kissed him, he lifted up his feet and, as though he saw friends coming to him and was glad because of them—for as he lay, his face appeared joyful—he died and was gathered to the fathers. And they afterward, according to his commandment, wrapped him

14 Serapion of Thmuis – A disciple of Antony and companion of Athanasius. Athanasius wrote Serapion three letters about the Holy Spirit. See Athanasius, “Letters to Serapion on the Holy Spirit.”

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