Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
up and buried him, hiding his body underground. And no one knows to this day where it was buried, except those two only. But each of those who received the sheepskin of the blessed Antony and the garment worn by him guards it as a precious treasure. For even to look on them is as it were to see Antony; and he who is clothed in them seems with joy to bear his teachings. §93 – The Legacy of Antony This is the end of Antony’s life in the body and the above was the beginning of the discipline. Even if this account is small compared with his merit, still from this reflect how great Antony, the man of God, was. Who from his youth to so great an age preserved a uniform zeal for the discipline, and neither through old age was subdued by the desire of costly food, nor through the weakness of his body changed the fashion of his clothing, nor washed even his feet with water, and yet remained entirely free from harm? For his eyes were undimmed and quite sound, and he saw clearly; of his teeth he had not lost one, but they had become worn to the gums through the great age of the old man. He remained strong both in hands and feet; and while all men were using various foods, washings, and various garments, he appeared more cheerful and of greater strength. And the fact that his fame has been blazoned everywhere, that all regard him with wonder, and that those who have never seen him long for him, is clear proof of his virtue and God’s love of his soul. For not from writings, nor from worldly wisdom, nor through any art was Antony renowned, but solely from his reverence toward God. That this was the gift of God no one will deny. For how into Spain and Gaul, into Rome and Africa, was the man heard of who lived hidden in a mountain, unless it was God who made his
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