Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
Appendix 1: The Life of Antony
own known everywhere, who also promised this to Antony at the beginning? For even if they work secretly, even if they wish to remain in obscurity, yet the Lord shows them as lamps to lighten all, that those who hear may thus know that the commandments of God are able to make people prosper and thus be zealous in the path of virtue. §94 – A Plea to Follow Antony’s Example Read these words, therefore, to the rest of the sisters and brothers that they may learn what the life of monks ought to be and may believe that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ glorifies those who glorify him and leads those who serve him unto the end, not only to the kingdom of heaven, but here also. Even though they hide themselves and desire to withdraw from the world, he makes them illustrious and well-known everywhere on account of their virtue and the help they give others. And if need be, read this among those who do not believe, that even in this way they may learn that our Lord Jesus Christ is not only God and the Son of God, but also that the Christians who truly serve him and faithfully believe in him prove not only that the demons, whom the Greeks themselves think to be gods, are no gods, but also tread them under foot and put them to flight as deceivers and corrupters of humanity through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
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