Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
• Smoothing out some awkwardly translated phrases. • Replacing Scripture quotations with the ESV translation. • Changing the generic “man/men” to “people” or “humanity.” All of this was done while consulting the original Greek editions and comparing them to other English translations. I have also added footnotes throughout to help the reader in areas where the text might be confusing due to a lack of background knowledge. For On the Psalms , I have used a recent translation by Joel Elowsky, 19 with only two adaptations. First, I added headings to each paragraph. Second, I inserted the Scripture reference into the text in parentheses rather than in footnotes.
Outline of On the Incarnation 1. Creation as the Foundation of Salvation §1: Beginning with Creation §2: Competing Views of Creation §3: The True Doctrine of Creation 2. Human Sin and the Divine Dilemma §4: The Corruption of Humanity §5: Sin Brings Death and Destruction
19 Athanasius of Alexandria, Letter to Marcellinus on the Psalms , trans. Joel C. Elowsky (New Haven, CT: ICCS Press, 2021).
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