Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life



§6: The Divine Dilemma §7: Why Repentance Is Not Enough 3. The Incarnation as the Divine Solution §8: He Took a Body so that He Could Die §9: A Sufficient Exchange for All §10: Destroying Death and Giving Life §11: Misguided Worship §12: How God Reveals Himself §13: God Re-Creates Humanity in His Image through his Son §14: The Renewal of Humanity §15: Knowing God §16: Banishing Death, Making All Things New §17: In the World, yet Sustaining the Universe §18: Truly God, Truly Man §19: The Cross Reveals Christ’s Divinity 4. The Death of Christ §20: He Came to Die §21: Could Jesus Have Died by Other Means?

§22: Could Jesus Have Avoided Death? §23: What If Jesus Faked His Death?

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