Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
§24: Why Not an Honorable Death? §25: Why Jesus Had to Die by Crucifixion 5. The Resurrection of Christ §26: The Resurrection as the Pledge of Christ’s Victory on the Cross §27: No Fear of Death §28: The Conquest of Death §29: Trampling Death §30: Christ’s Resurrection Proven through the Transformed Lives of Believers §31: Christ’s Resurrection Proven through His Works Today §32: Christ’s Resurrection Proven through His Power Manifested 6. Refutation of the Jews §33: The Old Testament Declares Christ §34: The Old Testament Foretells Christ’s Death for Us §35: The Old Testament Prophecies the Cross and Virgin Birth §36: Jesus Is Greater than Abraham, Moses, and David §37: Jesus Is the Fulfillment of the Old Testament
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