Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
§38: Jesus Is the Fulfillment of the Prophets §39: Jesus Is the “Anointed One” from the Book of Daniel §40: The Jewish Messiah Has Already Come 7. Refutation of the Gentiles §41: The Reasonableness of the Incarnation §42: Can Christ Pervade All Things and Be in a Body? §43: Why Did God Not Enter Creation as Something Else? §44: Could God Not Save by His Will Alone? §45: Christ in All of Creation §46: Jesus Is Greater than Idols §47: Jesus Is Greater than Demons §48: Jesus Is Greater than Magicians §49: Jesus Is Greater than Greek Gods §50: Jesus Is Greater than Kings of the Earth §51: Who Else Could Bring Sexual Purity and the End of Warfare? §52: Who Else Could Turn Enemies into Friends? §53: Who Else Could Accomplish So Much? §54: The Savior’s Achievements Are More than We Could Imagine
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