Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life
Appendix 2: On the Psalms
• And another that contains only words of jubilation is Psalm 100.
§15 – A Psalm for Every Circumstance Therefore, since the Psalms are arranged like this, it is possible for the readers to find in each, as was said above, the inner movements and conditions appropriate to the state of their own soul and identify the type of psalm as well as the teaching contained in each. Some Psalms tell how a person is able to please the Lord and make amends for his deeds and words, or how to give thanks to the Lord, or ensure that one does not fall into ungodliness for what he might say. For we will have to render an account to the Judge not only because of our works but also because of idle speech (Matt 12:36). If therefore any of you should decide to bless someone, you have what you need to say, and how and in whom you are to say it in Psalms 1, 32, 41, 119 and 128. If you want to rebuke the plotting of the Jews against the Savior you have the 2nd Psalm. If you are suffering persecution from your own people, and you have many assembled against you, recite the 3rd Psalm. If in such affliction you called to the Lord and you want to give thanks that he heard you, sing Psalms 4, 75 and 116. And when you notice the wicked lying in wait wanting to do you harm and you want the Lord to listen to your prayer, rise up early in the morning and sing Psalm 5. And when you perceive threats from the Lord, if you see yourself disturbed because of these, you can recite Psalms 6 and 38. And if someone is plotting something against you, as Ahithophel did against David (2 Sam 15:31), and you are informed about this, sing Psalm 7 and entrust yourself to God your deliverer.
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