Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life


Renewal in Christ: Athanasius on the Christian Life

Table 1: A Psalm for Every Circumstance 10

If . . .

Then Read . . .

Blessing someone

Psalms 1, 32, 41, 119, 128

Rebuking those who crucified Christ Psalm 2 Suffering persecution from your own people Psalm 3 Giving thanks that God heard your prayer

Psalms 4, 75, 116

Under attack from enemies

Psalm 5

Disturbed by threats

Psalms 6, 38

Enemies plot against you

Psalm 7 Psalm 8

Seeing the Savior’s grace everywhere

Celebrating the Savior’s grace

Psalms 8, 84 Psalms 9, 10

Overcoming the enemy

Trouble is stirred up against you

Psalm 11 Psalm 12 Psalm 13

Evil is increasing

Trapped by the sins of your enemies Hearing someone blaspheme the LORD Learning of citizenship in heaven

Psalms 14, 53

Psalm 15

Needing prayer

Psalms 17, 86, 88, 141

Wanting to learn how Moses prayed Being saved from your enemies

Psalm 90 Psalm 18

Amazed by creation Consoling others

Psalms 19, 24

Psalm 20 Psalm 23 Psalm 25

Shepherded by the LORD Surrounded by enemies

Enemies persist with unjust judgement

Psalms 26, 35, 43

Enemies make war

Psalm 27 Psalm 28

Schemers acts shamelessly

10 This table summarizes Athanasius’s Letter to Marcellinus on the Interpretation of the Psalms , §§15–26.

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