Represent Retreat Book
Sisters and brothers, if we are to be true representatives of Christ, we must learn to serve. We must be willing to serve in seen positions as well as unseen positions. We must be willing to sacrifice our pride in order to advance the Kingdom of God. Sometimes, we may be called to teaching, leading, or pastoring; other times, we may be called to advance the Kingdom of God by setting up and taking down chairs, cleaning bathrooms, or loving on the unlovable. Exercise: Take a few moments to ask God how you might better serve him: in your home, community and church. Write down what the Spirit brings to your mind. Then, pray this prayer from Saint Hildegard of Bingen: May it please you, O Lord, to enlighten my heart with the fire of your love. I offer my hands to do your work, my lips to sing your praise and my life to proclaim your glory. Look upon my neighbors in their needs and guide me and bless me as I serve you in them; for Jesus’ sake. Amen. Now what? Take what you’ve learned and apply it to your community! Community Connection: What are the areas in your community that need attention? Where would you be best suited to “wash the feet” of those that are weary from life’s journey? Angel Tree is an organization that supports the spouses and children of those who are incarcerated. There are senior living facilities that would love to have people come and spend some time with the elderly whom they house. Mentorship programs are always needed in the community. These are just some of the areas that you could be of service.
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