Represent Retreat Book

Represent 3 0 D AY S I N T H E WO R D & P R AY E R

Do you find that it can be difficult to get into the Word on a daily basis? You’re not alone! This book was created with you in mind. With thirty short Scripture passages and corresponding prayers, you can begin a regular practice of spending time with God. The focus of this book is representation and what it means for us to live as ambassadors of Christ. How do we live in such a way that our lives reflect the very person of Christ? We invite you to use the prayers and Scriptures to draw you deeper into a life-changing relationship with our Savior. It is only through abiding in Christ that we are truly able to represent him. Whether you’ve been a Christian for twenty years or two days, this book is for you!

World Impact, Inc. 2001 S. Vermont Ave. • Los Angeles, CA 90007 323-735-1137 •

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