The SIAFU Guidebook
104 The SIAFU Network Guidebook
Encourage SIAFU Members and Friends to Support the Chapter Financially
The question of resources is directly related to the church or ministry that sponsors the SIAFU Chapter. We encourage you to offer the opportunity for Chapter members to give to the support of the Chapter every week. The funds collected should be shared with the sponsoring church or ministry, to cover their expenses for hosting the Chapter. Whenever possible, the Chapter should bless the sponsoring church or ministry with resources or service, all in the name of the Lord. While there may be a variety of Chapter expenses, it is truly important for Chapter members to contribute funds to help with those expenses, as they can and as they desire. The critical issue regarding money, especially for the sponsoring church or organization, will be the independence of the SIAFU Chapter. In other words, as much as possible, each Chapter should strive to be self-sufficient financially for its own activities and expenses. The members of the Chapter may sponsor projects to raise funds to cover expenses, but great care should be given to ensure that the pastor and/or authority of the sponsoring organization knows of your projects and possesses a full and clear account of what monies are being raised, why you need them, and where they are to be spent. We have challenged every Chapter in the network to be sensitive and responsible to support and acknowl- edge their sponsoring church or organization. Due diligence should be done by all involved to ensure that, on the one hand, the Chapter strives in all activities to pay its own bills for any outstanding debts. On the other hand, the Chapter should also strive to support the sponsoring church, helping out in every way with funds and resources to strengthen the church’s ministry and work. For Chapters on the Inside Please note that any reference to financial handling, requirements, or organization is strictly subject to the rules and demands of the sponsoring jail or prison. Each SIAFU chapter must conduct all of its activities in accordance with all prison/jail requirements. Ensure that you make no decisions connected to anything related to finances without hearing the policies of the jail/prison officials, and once learned, strictly comply with their demands without exception.
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