The SIAFU Guidebook
Part I I I : Forming a Company 105
Created for Good Works: Sponsoring a SIAFU Project
One of the most important elements in the SIAFU Network is each Chapter’s commitment to demonstrate good works through its members and friends. In every community and neighborhood in the city, there are dozens of wholesome, practical, and helpful projects which can be done to demonstrate the justice and peace of the Kingdom. Each Chapter, in becoming one within the Network, makes a commitment to doing tangible, practical works of service within their neighborhood – projects which can reveal to others our love for Christ and for them. Many of these service projects, once clarified and organized, can be done at little to no cost to your team if you utilize what everyone has available to them (e.g. paint brushes, brooms, hauling trash, garden tools, lawn mower, rakes). For those service projects that will require some investment on the Chapter’s part, you may want to consider having a fund raiser or ask for donations to help you support this project. Here are some practical tips to help you think through your service projects: 1. Look at possible projects based on time, skill level of team, number of team members, and decide on a project that best works for your team (with the approval of your leaders). 2. Keep clear lines of communication open. Make sure that you contact the person or persons you will be doing this project on behalf of, and take careful notes on what precisely your Chapter will do, along with all the specifics of the project. 3. Communicate all the details of the upcoming service project description to your Chapter volunteer team members so they can get it on their calendars and make arrangements to attend with any tools or goods they will need to participate.
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