The SIAFU Guidebook
Appendix 133
Your Leadership Council Agenda Template How to Strategize Together to Grow Your Chapter
Meet regularly as a Chapter Council to keep track of Chapter business. The Officers (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer) of the Chapter should meet regularly (once each month, minimum) to plan out Chapter business, address ongoing issues, and review progress toward its goals. The more you can get together to prayerfully consider what is happening and what you believe God wants you to do, the better and more effective your Chapter will be. The officers of the Chapter will be responsible to set together the strategic direction of your Chapter, to boil that vision down to practical goals, and then to communicate those goals to your Chapter members for the upcoming year. Once elected, set regular times to get together, consider old and new business, and to plan together your Chapter direction as you pursue what you believe God wants the Chapter to do in the next twelve months. Each officer meeting is important, so you should strive to be both efficient and clear on all matters you address. The following general order provides you with an adjustable agenda which you can modify to keep you on target as you consider both old and new business together as a council.
General Order for Leadership Council Meeting
1. President call the meeting to order and open with prayer
2. Biblical Devotional, selected person
3. Time to share personal updates, testimonies
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