Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church
A ppendix • 141
Larry Kreider and Floyd McClung. Starting a House Church. Chosen Books, 2007.
Larry Kreider is one of the leaders of the House to House Network. This association of house churches has dozens of resources for those working with Small Church models. Several of these resources are listed below and many more can be found at . Larry Kreider et al. The Biblical Role of Elders for Today’s Church: New Testament Leadership Principles for Equipping Elders. Ephrata, PA: House To House Publication, 2015. Brian Sauder and Larry Kreider. Helping You Build Cell Churches: A Comprehensive Training Manual for Pastors, Cell Leaders and Church Planters , Updated edition. Ephrata, PA: House to House, 2000. Scoggins, Dick. Handbook for House Churches . [on-line], accessed 1 December 1999, archive/contr036 ; Internet. This resource was designed for a network of house churches on the East Coast. The group is known as the Fellowship of Church Planters, and it is available for free at the website above. Don Allsman, Don L. Davis, and Hank Voss, eds. Ripe for Harvest: A Guidebook for Planting Healthy Churches in the City. Wichita, KS: TUMI Press, 2015.* This book is TUMI’s primary textbook for the Evangel School of Church Planting. It is relevant for all expressions of the church, but is included here so as not to be missed. Carter, Ryan, ed. Christ the Victor Church: The Guidebook: Ancient Faith for an Urban Movement. N.P.: CreateSpace, 2014. Larry Kreider. House Church Networks: A Church for a New Generation. Ephrata, PA: House to House, 2001.
2. Planting Community Churches
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