Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church
142 • T he E vangel G athering • S acred R oots T hriving in M inistry : A pprenticed by the E arly C hurch
The Christ the Victor (CTV) movement began in Wichita, KS and is heavily influenced by TUMI’s Sacred Roots theme. This guidebook is designed for planters who are interested in planting a CTV church plant. Davis, Don. Focus on Reproduction , vol. 12, 16 vols. (The Capstone Curriculum). Wichita, KS: The Urban Ministry Institute Press, 2005.* TUMI’s primary church plant course is relevant to all three church plant expressions, but is included here so as not to be missed. Nebel, Tom. Big Dreams in Small Places: Church Planting in Smaller Communities . St Charles, IL: ChurchSmart Resources, 2002. This book is focused on church planting in rural areas. It is relevant to urban church planting in that many rural areas are very poor and there are thus principles which can be gleaned by those working among the urban poor.
3. Planting Mother (Hub) Churches
Keller, Tim and J. Allen Thompson. Church Planting Manual . Redeemer Church Planting Center, New York, 2002.
Tim Keller and Allen Thompson have planted many urban churches over several decades. Their church plants are usually not focused on starting with the urban poor, but they are attentive to the importance of serving the poor through ministries of mercy.
Moore, Ralph. Starting a New Church: The Church Planter’s Guide to Success . Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2002.
Pastor Moore founded the Hope Chapel movement which has planted a number of churches among the urban poor. His book includes chapters on the importance of preaching for church planting.
Searcy, Nelson and Kerick Thomas. Launch: Starting a New Church from Scratch . Regal Books, 2007.
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