Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church

54 • T he E vangel G athering • S acred R oots T hriving in M inistry : A pprenticed by the E arly C hurch

(2) The Baptist pastor Charles Spurgeon read John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress more than one hundred times.

(3) Pheobe Palmer, D.L. Moody and Watchmen Nee had their vision for prayer deeply shaped by a spiritual classic by Jeanne-Marie Guyon entitled A Short and Very Easy Method of Prayer . 4

2. Friends in this generation

a. Spiritual friends in my Jerusalem (my city)

b. Spiritual friends in my Judea and Samaria (my region)

c. Spiritual friends at the ends of the earth (global Church)

3. Friends in my cohort

a. Spiritual friends in my fellowship

b. Art friends (spiritual friends with whom I pursue the fine art of friendship)

4 Glen G. Scorgie, “The Diffusion of Christian Mysticism: From the Medieval Rhineland to Contemporary China,” Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality 20 , no. 1 (2020): 1–24.

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