Sacred Roots Thriving In Ministry - Apprenticed by the Early Church

W orkshop 1: “M eans ”: H ow to L ead a S acred R oots C ohort • 55

B. Three models for reading Sacred Roots Spiritual Classics together

1. Weekly strategy for engaging spiritual classics

SRSC Section to Read

“Sunday School” Class

“Church-Based Seminary” Model


Eight Weeks

Week 1


Week 1

Week 2

Chapter 1

Week 3

Week 2

Chapter 2

Week 4

Week 3

Chapter 3

Week 5

Week 4

Chapter 4

Week 6

Week 5

Chapter 5

Week 7

Week 6

Chapter 6

Week 8

Week 7

Chapter 7

Week 9

Chapter 8

Week 8

Continuing the Conversation

Week 10

a. Sample weekly cohort meeting

b. Things to remember

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