The Ancient Witnesses
112 • The Ancient Witnesses: A Journey to Discover Our Sacred Roots
went to speak with one of the ancient witnesses. Joseph and I followed along to listen in. “Father Eary-us” said Preacher, mispronouncing Irenaeus’s name, “I have a question.” Irenaeus nodded. “My granny was a real saint,” began Preacher, “she raised me and my brother and led us to the Lord. She worked two jobs to help us kids through school. But last year on her way home from the bus stop she was stabbed to death—it was in the newspaper.” Irenaeus listened attentively, with a look of compassion. “Maybe you don’t know the answer to this,” said Preacher, “but if God is a loving God…” He paused as his voice trembled, and Irenaeus placed a hand on Preacher’s shoulder. “If death brings on mortality,” replied Irenaeus, “then how much more will life, when it arrives, will make us alive again!” Preacher listened closely. “Isaiah the Prophet says that God has wiped away every tear from every face,” Irenaeus continued, “our former life is over because it was not given by the Spirit but by the breath.” 49 Preacher looked puzzled, and the ancient witness took a different approach. “You have heard of Jonah?” asked Irenaeus. “Jonah was swallowed by the whale,” said Preacher, somewhat sadly.
49 Irenaeus, Against Heresies V.12.1 (ANF 1, 537).
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