The Ancient Witnesses
Chapter 3: The Beginning of Time • 113
“Think about this, young man,” said Irenaeus, “in his patience, God permitted Jonah to be swallowed by the great fish.” “But that was Jonah’s punishment!” Preacher objected. “No, my brother, it was his salvation, don’t you see?” said Irenaeus. “God appointed the great fish not to destroy Jonah; but so that when vomited up, he would glorify the God who had lavished on him such an undeserved deliverance. And through God’s word, Jonah was commanded to bring the Ninevites to repentance, so they would be converted to the Lord who would deliver them from death also. The Ninevites were awestruck at the sign of Jonah, and each of them repented from his evil way! 50 ” Preacher began to smile. “So it was from the very beginning,” Irenaeus concluded, “God allowed man to be swallowed up by the great whale who was the author of sin—Satan—not so the man would be destroyed, but so the plan of salvation would be accomplished by the Word, and be evident in the sign of Jonah.” 51 Preacher thanked Irenaeus, and we returned to our bench. “What did you think of his answer, Preacher?” asked Joseph. “It was okay I guess” said Preacher, “but I still don’t know why my granny had to die. “I think Irenaeus was giving you a challenge,” I said.
50 Paraphrase of Irenaeus, Against Heresies III.20.1 (ANF 1, 449). The sign of Jonah is mentioned in Luke 11:29.
51 Paraphrase of Irenaeus, Against Heresies III.20.1 (ANF 1.449-450).
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