The Ancient Witnesses

Chapter 5: The Unfolding of Time, Part 2

When we returned to the Crux, Mentor asked us to share what we had learned about the mystery of the Pascha, but none of us had an answer. “I’m still wondering why they couldn’t eat leaven,” said Cesar. “There was no time for bread to rise,” said Preacher, “they had to get out of town fast.” “That was literally true,” said Joseph, “but leaven is a metaphor for something else—that’s the mystery.” “Leaven is not the mystery,” I said, “the Passover is the mystery.” “Of course,” said Joseph, “but it involves leaven; Mentor only mentioned the mystery of the Passover after Cesar asked about leaven.” “I suggest you begin with mystery ,” said Father Greg, “what is your understanding of the term?” “Something that’s unknown,” said Cesar. “There’s more to the Bible’s use of mystery than that,” advised Father Greg. “Like what?” asked Joseph.


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