The Ancient Witnesses

296 • The Ancient Witnesses: A Journey to Discover Our Sacred Roots

Jackson, L. Charles. Faith of our fathers: a popular study of the Nicene Creed . Moscow, Idaho: Canon Press, 2007. [A thematic treatment of the Nicene Creed by a Covenant Presbyterian pastor-theologian, including “No Creed but Christ?” Almighty Creator, God of God, For us and for our salvation, filioque, etc. Each chapter concludes with a set of study questions.] Johnson, Luke Timothy. The creed: what Christians believe and why it matters . New York: Doubleday, 2003. [A former Benedictine monk, now Prof of NT at Candler School of the Theology, Emory University, treats the Nicene Creed traditionally: Origins & development, What the Creed is and does,” We believe in One God…” etc. MacGregor, Geddes. The Nicene creed, illumined by modern thought . Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1980. [Former USC professor of religion opens his book with the Greek text of the Nicene Creed followed by chapters that treat the creed historically-contextually, with special emphasis on how modernity has transformed the modern reader’s understanding of key term in the creed. Chapters include “On Faith,” “Ground of Process,” “Nature and God,” “Uniqueness of Jesus Christ,” etc. Marthaler, Berard L. The creed: the apostolic faith in contemporary theology . Mystic, Conn: Twenty-Third Publications, 1993. [“One volume compendium of the Catholic theology” by a Franciscan Priest- educator. Included here since it is occasionally cited by other authors in this bibliography.] Seitz, Christopher R. Nicene Christianity: the future for a new ecumenism . Grand Rapids, Michigan: Brazos Press, 2001. [An anthology of well-written articles on select lines from the Nicene Creed, e.g. “And

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