The Ancient Witnesses

Bibliography of Patristic Sources • 297

in One Lord Jesus Christ,” together with thematic articles such as “The reality of the resurrection,” by an ecumenical selection of moderate-evangelical theologians.] Timiadis, Emilianos. The Nicene Creed: our common faith . Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1983. [The author is an Orthodox Metropolitan. His treatment of course includes standard Greek Orthodox themes (“Theosis—Deification; “Problems behind the Filioque”, etc.) Otherwise the treatment is thematic and not exegetical: “God as creator and man as steward of creation,” “God’s action in time beyond space and time,” “The oneness of the Church.” Williams, Donald T. Credo: meditations on the Nicene Creed . St. Louis, Mo: Chalice Press, 2007. [An excellent and informative set of meditations on the Creed from an EV-Free minister and Professor of English at Toccoa Falls College. After citing the creed in Latin and English translation, each chapter addresses the four articles in detail, The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, The Church. The Father, for example, treats of Credo , then Credo in Unum Deum, and so forth, treating the entire creed line by line. Willis, David. Clues to the Nicene Creed: a brief outline of the faith . Grand Rapids, Mich: William B. Eerdmans, 2005. [Reformed theologian at Princeton University treats the Nicene Creed broadly and thematically. Chapters include “The earthiness of the creed,” “what believing means,” “The point of creation,” “The person of Christ,” etc.]

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