The Ancient Witnesses

Chapter 2: The Time Before Time • 79

“the unknown God” to the philosophers of Athens (Acts 17:23), Justin Martyr identified the Logos of God as none other than Jesus!

What Was God Doing Before Creation? After Justin Martyr took his seat, Mentor announced it was time to move on to the next chapter, The Beginning of Time . “But I have another question!” said Preacher. “Very well,” said Mentor, “what is it?” “What was God doing before he made heaven and earth?” asked Preacher. “I’ll tell you what He was doing,” called out one of the ancient witnesses, “He was preparing hell for people who ask questions like that!” Scornful laughter erupted from some of the other witnesses, and Mentor reminded them to be recognized before speaking. Augustine saluted, “Mentor, may I answer the young man’s question?” Mentor invited the Bishop of Hippo to the lectern. “May I know your name, young man?” asked Augustine, smiling warmly. “My name is Edward, sir, but they call me Preacher.” “An excellent name! And where do you hail from, Preacher?” Preacher hesitated. “Do they know about Atlanta?” he said aside to us. “The pastors are from beyond Kios,” said Mentor. “Very well,” he replied, “and we are from Hippo Regius…”

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