The Ancient Witnesses
80 • The Ancient Witnesses: A Journey to Discover Our Sacred Roots
“Excuse me?” said Preacher. “I’ll explain later,” said Father Greg.
“In Hippo Regius,” Augustine continued, “there are foolish people who say, ‘Before God created heaven and earth, he was unoccupied. When God did create, then a new thing came about—a new intention in God—and therefore God is not eternally the same.” “But Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever,” replied Preacher. “An excellent reply to those fools!” declared Augustine. “Thanks,” said Preacher, “but what do you say to them?” “I explain that while all creatures change, God’s will is not a creature: it existed before God created anything, and nothing at all would be created unless God first willed it.” “That’s a good answer,” said Preacher, “what do they say to that?” “They say, ‘If God eternally wanted a creation, then why is creation itself not eternal?” “Whoa!” said Preacher, that’s a tough one. “Truly it is!” agreed Augustine, laughing, “But that just shows they do not understand You, O Lord.” Preacher turned around to see who Augustine was talking to. “If they suppose God was resting for long ages before he created anything,” Augustine continued, “they err because he had not yet created time! Do you understand me, my young friend?” “Not really,” Preacher admitted.
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