The Ancient Witnesses
Chapter 2: The Time Before Time • 81
“It’s quite simple,” said Augustine, “they wonder what the Almighty was doing then, before creation, but before creation there was no ‘then’ because there was no time!” “I get that,” said Preacher, “there wadn’t no then then!” Augustine, smiling, sat down. “That’s Saint Augustine!” whispered Father Greg, enraptured. Then, blushing, he corrected himself. “I mean, that actor is wonderful.” “You are great, O Lord, and highly to be praised!” shouted Augustine from his seat. The Mystery of Iniquity Mentor called on Joseph, who had raised his hand. “I have a question also,” he said. “Me too,” I added. “Very well,” agreed Mentor, “if your questions concern the time before time.” We hesitated, unsure; then Joseph asked, “When did evil enter the world?” And I said, “I want to know why God created man with a free will knowing he would disobey?” “God is not the author of rebellion,” replied Mentor, “nor did he create Satan as he now is—a murderer and the father of lies. 16 He was an angel created without sin who chose to oppose God’s authority. By his example and influence, he led other angels in rebellion against the
16 John 8.44.
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