The Epistles to the Hebrews
26 The Ep i s t l e to the Hebrews : Par t I
At what point does the revelation that the Lord provides concerning Christ actually begin to influence our thinking, our speaking, our behavior, and our relationships? What turns Biblical truth into dynamic Christian discipleship?
The fact of our Christian existence is conditioned not by the absence of God but by the presence of God. He makes His presence known through His word and through the gifts He bestows upon the Church. The responsibility of the Christian is to pay the closest attention to the message of salvation delivered through God’s Son. That message is the ground of the assurance that God cares deeply for the human family and that He gave himself in love to meet human need. ~ William L. Lane. Hebrews: A Call to Commitment . Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, 1985. p. 42.
I. Give Heed to God’s Word of Salvation Concerning Christ, Heb. 2.1-4.
The Implications of the Revelation: the logic arising from the claim of Christ’s absolute superiority as Revelation
A. The salvific imperative : pay much closer attention to what we have heard
1. The word concerning Christ merits attention.
2. The word concerning Christ merits action.
3. Lest we drift away from it
B. The logical proposition : the unbroken Word of God
1. The unalterability of the spoken Word
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