The Epistles to the Hebrews
Sess ion 3 Chr i st ’s Humi l iat ion and Exal tat ion 27
2. The certainty of divine recompense
C. The rhetorical question: How can we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?
1. The greatest certainty and most dreadful tragedy: How precisely do we neglect such a great salvation?
a. Neglect it through ignorance
b. Neglect it through defiance
c. Neglect it through doubt
d. Neglect it through disregard
2. “Just look at the kind of word that has been delivered to us!”
a. It was first spoken through the Lord.
b. It was confirmed to us by those who heard.
c. God bore witness through these witnesses.
(1) Through signs
(2) Through wonders
(3) Through various miracles
(4) Through distributions of the Holy Spirit according to his own will
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