The Epistles to the Hebrews
Sess ion 4: Chr i st ’s Fai thfulness as Apost le and High Pr iest 39
III. Contrasting the Faithful Ministries of Moses and Christ Jesus, Heb. 3.5-6
As stated earlier, to study Bible types is essentially to relate the person of Christ to the different phenomena in the Bible before his appearance . The key to typological interpretation of Scripture is the need to determine exactly in what way and in what manner does the person of Christ resonate with the character, event, symbol, or happening in the Old Testament. Typological interpretation, therefore, is largely a procedure of understanding how to contrast and compare Christ and the facts of the Hebrew Scriptures.
A. Moses’ faithful stewardship over God’s House
1. Faithful in all of God’s house
2. Functioned as a servant in God’s house
3. Moses’ ministry served as a testimony of those things which would be spoken of afterward.
B. Christ Jesus’ faithful stewardship over his own house
1. Faithful over his own house ; the “house” over which Jesus is absolutely faithful, in perfect obedience to the command of the Father, are the saints of the living God in Christ. We ourselves are the very house of God.
2. Functions as God’s only begotten Son
3. Whose house we are ! (Believers in Christ are literally “Up in the House”).
a. We are the temple of God, 1 Cor. 3.16-17; 6.19-20; Eph. 2.19-22.
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