The Epistles to the Hebrews

40  The Ep i s t l e to the Hebrews : Par t I

b. We are the household of God, Gal. 6.10.

c. We are the family of God, Eph. 5.1-2; Acts 17.24ff.

C. Imitating Jesus : the condition of being the “house” of God

1. We are God’s house with specific conditions attached.

2. We must hold fast the confidence to the end.

a. We must know what we believe.

b. We must hold fast the confidence of its truthfulness.

c. We must hold this conviction to the end (not backslide or turn back).

3. We must hold fast the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.

a. We must look forward to the consummation.

b. We must hold fast the promise of its coming.

c. We must hold this vision of the future firm to the end (and not substitute it with a less noble, worldly vision here).

4. The implicit Christo-centric impulse: As Christ was faithful to the end, so we who belong to him, must strive to be faithful to the end.

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