The Epistles to the Hebrews

Sess ion 4: Chr i st ’s Fai thfulness as Apost le and High Pr iest  41

Moses as Faithful Servant

Christ Jesus as Faithful Son

Faithful over God’s house

Faithful over his own house

Functioned as servant

Functions as God’s Son

Faithful in God’s affairs

Faithful over his own people

A Testimony of Things to Come

The Reality the Testimony prefigured

Worthy of honor

Worthy of great glory and honor

Implications for Life Today

• Christ Jesus is the Absolutely Trustworthy Representative of the Father’s Revelation and Redemption.

• As Apostle, Jesus is God’s single messenger giving us God’s mind, and as High Priest Jesus is God’s single intercessor serving before the Father as our daysman (go-between). • Typological interpretation, therefore, is largely a procedure of understanding how to contrast and compare Christ and the facts of the Hebrew Scriptures. • Christ Jesus serves his Father as a Faithful Representative to give stewardship and care over God’s house, whose house we are if we continue to hold fast our confidence and hope to the end.

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