The Equipping Ministry, Student Workbook, SW15

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truth, and their character, for good or ill, will directly shape and impact the fruitfulness of their teaching. The cardinal virtue of the teaching ministry is clarity , rightly dividing the Word of truth and relating that meaning to the lives of the students. Correspondingly, the cardinal vice of the teaching ministry is pride and hypocrisy , being carried away with one’s own knowledge and importance, and laying standards on others that you yourself are unwilling to apply and keep. The heart of the content of the teaching ministry includes the teaching clause of the Great Commission, i.e., to instruct disciples of Jesus to obey everything that he commanded , to make plain the person and work of Jesus Christ for the purpose of Christlikeness in character and life. The teaching ministry involves the explanation and exploring implications of the biblical vision and teaching regarding the Kingdom of God, its promise and the righteousness associated with it. Moreover, teachers are to ground disciples in the apostolic tradition (Jude 3), i.e., the historic orthodox faith once delivered to the saints for faith and protection. Teachers instruct disciples in just how this tradition relates to their life and witness. Now is the time for you to discuss with your fellow students your questions about your application of this material to your life. In other words, now is your chance to address the meaning of the challenge of the teaching ministry to your own work. To explore your calling in regard to the teaching ministry is important; have you sensed this call in your life before, what is the fruit of your own instruction in the Church, and do you feel the Spirit directing you to pursue a ministry of teaching in the place where he has led you so far? These and other particular questions may enable you to become more clear regarding your own life calling and the teaching ministry. Use the questions below to spur your thoughts about this work and your own life today. * Have you ever in your Christian life envisioned yourself in the role of the teacher, i.e., as someone charged by the Lord with the responsibility to be an instructor and builder of others? Where and when did you sense this? What have you done since you had those nudgings?


Student Application and Implications

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