The Equipping Ministry, Student Workbook, SW15

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The Holy Spirit’s movement in the heart and life of the one so called is the crucial evidence of the call, which is usually confirmed in the ministry of the Church. As such, the preaching ministry ought not be viewed as employment, i.e., as a job , but rather as a commission from the Lord associated with his gifts, endowments, and direction. The character of the preacher is an important element in the preaching ministry, especially in the sense that “who we are is more important than what we do.” Since the responsibility of the preacher is to proclaim precisely what God has entrusted to them, the cardinal virtue of preaching is the courage to speak his message without fear or intimidation, and its cardinal vice is cowardice , failing to say what God has entrusted because of fear of others or risk of suffering. The content of the NT preaching ministry centers upon the person and work of Jesus Christ, especially in the proclamation of the Good News of salvation and life through faith in his name. The apostles proclaimed Jesus of Nazareth as crucified, risen, and ascended as Lord of the earth, the sacrifice made for the sins of the world. They also proclaimed the coming of the “already/not” Kingdom of God, and declared “the whole counsel of God” about the Messiah and the rule of God in him to believers and unbelievers alike. Now is the time for you to discuss with your fellow students your questions about the nature of the preaching ministry, and its implication for your life today. The following questions are meant to force you to be specific in regard to the implications of these ideas for your own life and ministry. Whether or not you are called to be a preacher, your understanding of what is involved in the preaching ministry will enable you to be a more effective leader, regardless of your gifts and calling. Concentrate on answering these questions from a personal point of view, that is, how they relate to your own call, the character and maturity you presently display, and your understanding of the content of the preaching ministry as it relates to the Good News of Christ, and his Kingdom. * Have you sensed a call to preach in your own life? Has anyone ever suggested to you that you might be called to preach the Gospel? What has been your experience when you have been given an opportunity to preach to others?


Student Application and Implications

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