The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
A ppendix • 65
Associations and Urban Church Planting Movements: The Efficiency and Reproductive Power of Standardization , continued
J. Regular convocation of leaders and members for fellowship, mission, and strategic planning
IV. Standard practice in planting new churches for the association
A. Adoption of a shared understanding of urban life and ministry
1. Cultural sensitivity: C1, C2, and C3 notions of culture
2. The three E’s of effective urban mission:
a. Evangelism: all that we do and say to communicate the living Christ to our neighbors
b. Equipping: follow-up new Christians and discipling them in the local church
c. Empowerment: challenging each member church to reproduce itself
B. Employing shared strategy for urban church planting
1. PLANT model of church planting within the association
2. Team-oriented approach
3. Rules and criteria for transitioning a church plant to a member church
4. Establishing and leading new church plants sponsored by the association
5. Multiple Team Leader = Association superintendents
6. Embracing of a chartering process
7. Shared understanding of how to determine when church plant is no longer viable and needs to be shut down
C. Installation of new churches into the association
1. Recognition locally and regionally
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