The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
66 • T he E vangel D ean S chool : D eveloping W isdom , C onviction , and P erspective in C hurch P lant T eams
Associations and Urban Church Planting Movements: The Efficiency and Reproductive Power of Standardization , continued
2. What (if any) resources are provided to the fledgling congregation on its arrival into the movement
3. Sharing potential contacts within the movement to support staffing and aid to new and developing congregations within the movement 4. Sharing of gifted evangelists, church planters, missionaries within the movement churches for the sake of leveraging gifts and expanding opportunities
V. Standard practice in governing and leading the association
A. How churches apply and become members
B. Distinctions between core evangelical convictions and church allegiances
C. Establishing association qualifications, with means to test
D. Administration of the associations records, resources, and processes
E. Roles and positions within the association (structure of oversight)
F. Processes for members to partner in specific ministry projects and programs
G. Process to spawn new outreaches, church plants, and other holistic community ministries
H. Establishing new partnerships and networks with other groups and associations of other churches
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