The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
a ppendIx • 93
a pp enDi x 26 We Can Do It?! The Viability of Church Planting in America World Impact
Abstract: Admittedly, the challenge of reaching urban America and the other great cities of the world is a daunting task. Some believe it to be virtually impossible because of its complexity, difficulty, and exhausting character. Yet, the Apostles and the Early Church believers advanced the Kingdom to the very boundaries of the then-known world, establishing literally thousands of gatherings of committed disciples of Christ. Regardless of their lack , and in spite of the threats , they did it . This session explores the spiritual resources which God has placed at our disposal to enable us to undertake mission with confidence.
The Apostles and The Early Church Did It
I. They did it “ Without ” (They experienced severe lacks )
A. Small work force and pool of laborers, Phil. 2.19-24
B. Convenient modes of transportation, Acts 27.27ff
C. Abundant financial backing, 1 Cor. 4.8-13
D. Adequate monies, property, and wealth 1 Cor. 4.11; Rom. 8.35; 2 Cor 11.23-27; 2 Cor. 8-9
E. Sophisticated communication technologies (like car phones, E-mail, pagers, etc.), cf. the epistolary mode of communication, 1 Thess. 3.1-5; Col. 4.16
F. Formalized seminaries and publishing houses, Col. 4.16
G. Non-profit, missionary and development structures, 2 Tim. 4.16-18
H. Guaranteed government protection of religious freedoms, Acts 4, 5, 16
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